With the long weekend coming up, Bengaluru police expect that many people will be trying to escape the city. There is also forecast of heavy rainfall. Therefore, they are expecting traffic snarls and heavy congestion on the roads. They have requested companies with offices on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) to ask their employees to work from home today, 14 August 2024.
Bengaluru police has written to the Outer Ring Road Companies Association (ORRCA) to do the needful to declare a work-from-home for employees. This will reduce disruptions and prevent unnecessary delays. This WFH declaration will also benefit those people who have no option but to travel to work at any cost, as their commute will become smoother.
The ORR is infamous for traffic snarls, causing inconvenience to a large number of employees working in the area, as they are forced to be stuck in jams, sometimes for three to four hours.
Earlier this year, companies had started promoting the use of mass transport systems among their employees. Some of them had begun to offer financial incentives to their employees who used public transport to commute to office. At the same time, companies had also started charging extra for parking from those employees who used single-occupancy private vehicles to commute to work. This was a way for IT companies to do their bit to promote car pooling and lessen the congestion on the roads.