The Health Department of Karnataka has decided to ensure more discipline and accountability amongst its employees, including doctors, officers and staff of all hospitals under the department. Starting 1 August 2024, all staff members will have to record their attendance using their mobile phones, so that their location becomes clear.
This is not the first time the Health Department has felt the need to enforce discipline. In April 2022, Health and Medical Education Minister Dr K Sudhakar had ordered the implementation of biometric attendance system at all hospitals and offices under the state health department. These numbered over 3,000 employing over 65,000.
This system recorded the attendance of the staff members based on their Aadhaar Card and calculated salaries of the employees, including doctors, officers and hospital staff on the basis of their attendance. At the time, the objective was to ensure more accountability and efficiency following complaints that many staff members, including doctors were frequently absent from work. In fact, orders were given to cut the salaries of those who were not available during work hours.
Now, based on the suggestions of the Karnataka Administrative Reforms-2 report, the State Health Department is gearing to launch a new ‘mobile-based geofenced real-time’ attendance system. An official order in this regard has already been issued.
August onwards, all employees of the Health Department, including hospitals, commissionerate and other allied offices, will have to mark their attendance via their mobiles. This was announced by Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao recently, as per a report by The Hindu .