The Kerala cabinet has given its approval to reserve 10 per cent government jobs for candidates from financially-backward families within the general category. The move will not impact the present reservations for any other category.
To implement this reservation, changes will have to be made to the provisions in the Kerala State and Subordinate Services Rules.
Earlier, the government had decided to roll out a 10 per cent reservation in jobs as well as in terms of admissions in educational institutions for those belonging to the economically backward sections within the unreserved category, according to the 103rd Amendment to the Constitution and related notifications issued by the Central Government. This was followed by the formation of a commission by the state government to decide the bases for identifying economically backward sections from amongst the forward communities.
Presently, 50 per cent seats are set aside for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes and Backward Communities. The new 10 per cent reservation will not impact these existing categories. It is for those within the general category who are financially backward.
With a view to controlling cyberattacks on women and children, as well as check the crimes that take place on social media, the cabinet also lent its approval to the amendment of the Police Act. As per the recommendation, Section 118-A will be added to the Act so that those found guilty are severely punished.
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Thanks for the great info, Really helpfull