News of the retirement age of Central government employees being raised to 62 has been doing the rounds on social media. What appeared to be a convincing list of reasons for this change had also been given. However, this is fake news as many media sites have clarified. The retirement age for Central and state government employees remains unchanged at 60.
The fake news said that the increment in retirement age applies to Central government employees retiring after 1 April 2025. The news claimed that the decision had been taken taking into account the fact that the life expectancy of people had gone up and there was shortage of experienced personnel. The reduction of pension liability and systematic reforms were the other two reasons why the union cabinet had decided to increase retirement age by two years.
It has been reportedly clarified by the Press Information Bureau that the viral notice is not authentic and that no such government order had been issued. In fact, PIB Fact Check warns people from getting carried away by such messages on social media.
As per the PIB, users can check whether a news is true or false by checking the PIB website, Users also have the option to send a message on WhatsApp to +918799711259 to confirm whether the news is true or false. An email id, is also available where a mail can be sent to check the authenticity of a news.