How to make a good impression at workplace through kinesics


These skills can help you in getting a salary raise, a promotion and the much-needed career growth, and also maintain a conducive atmosphere at the office.

Kinesics or body language is a widely studied facet of communication in today’s world. In both personal and professional communications, body language is gaining attention as a vital aspect to be cultivated consciously to achieve the desired result. The way you talk, walk, stand, look, listen, and even the way you laugh or sit conveys subtle subconscious messages that create impressions.

For organisations, the best employees are those who not only do their work efficiently but have also mastered the use of body language to be effective communicators. Mastering these soft skills can hugely impact your relationship with your boss and peers at the workplace. These skills can help you in getting a salary raise, a promotion and the much-needed career growth, and also maintain a conducive atmosphere at the office.  

Here’s how you can use kinesics to make a good impression at the workplace –

Always make eye contact while talking to someone
When you are talking to someone, ensure that your head, nose and chin are up. Make eye contact with the person you are talking to. Looking down or not making eye contact shows that you lack confidence, which negatively impacts impression.
Keep a smile on your face
Always try to keep a smiling face. A happy face sends positive vibes to others and shows that you are engaged. We know that the office is a place of high work load and stress, but making a stern face doesn’t help either. So, always have a smiling face.

Stand straight
When a person maintains a good posture and a confident stance, it shows that he is open and willing to work. Also, when you exhibit a self-assured stance, it is more likely that you will be taken seriously by others.

Never lean away from the person you are talking to
When you are talking to a person, you must not lean away from him/her. When you lean away from the person you are talking to, it sends the message that you are not interested in the conversation. This mistake at the workplace may cost you in terms of the support you receive from seniors or colleagues.  

Cultivate a firm handshake
Always keep your handshake firm. At important meetings, the way you shake hands with others determines the first impression. If your handshake is not confident, others may question your abilities.

Never look directly into someone’s eyes
While making eye contact, you should never look directly into the eyes. This sends an impression that you are intimidating and can cause discomfort. First look at the face, then the eyes and then the nose of the other party, and then repeat the same.

Avoid tapping your feet
Many people have a habit of tapping their feet. If you are tapping your feet constantly, it indicates that you are nervous and lack confidence. Always try to avoid this habit at the workplace.  It may disturb others and have a negative impact on the impression you create.


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