Author: Kamal Dutta


Kamal Dutta is the managing director of Skillsoft, India.

There is a popular quip doing the rounds on social-media platforms about this whole resetting thing and chances are you may have come across it, too. It asks the reader whether anyone knows how to turn off the year 2020 and turn it on again. It is accompanied by an image of a reset button. In reality, however, many things in life do not have a reset button. Given the rapid rate at which things are changing and digitisation is forcing industries to level up, many shifts have taken place in the past couple of months — from consumers’ buying…

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Culture eats strategy for breakfast, proclaimed Peter Drucker, the late management guru, many years ago. The aphorism holds true even today, as companies across industries pursue digital transformation to stay relevant in a continuously evolving marketplace. While organisations seek to reimagine their operating business models by leveraging disruptive technologies, they must not underestimate the importance of fostering a culture that endorses such sweeping changes. Indeed, building a digital-ready enterprise through constant adaptability and evolution with changing business dynamics can pave the way for increased innovation, agility, leanness and responsiveness. The business case for companies to promote a culture of digital…

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Today’s ‘new skills economy’ is placing a whole new set of demands on organisations, as far as talent management is concerned. With jobs increasingly becoming specialised, and automation and other disruptive technologies upending traditional roles, workflows and business models, constant upskilling is the need of the hour. Everyone, from the lowest-ranked employee up to the CEO, must keep acquiring newer competencies and aptitudes in tune with shifting business and functional objectives. The ongoing struggle of organisations worldwide to fill open positions only further underlines this imperative. The percentage of companies unable to find qualified workers for vacant roles hit an…

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