Author: Saheba Khatun | HRKatha

Byju’s, the once-celebrated edtech giant, and Paytm, a leading fintech player, currently find themselves entangled in distinct challenges. Byju’s faces accusations of financial irregularities, questionable sales tactics, and significant workforce reductions, while Paytm grapples with regulatory restrictions from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) impacting its core services. The recent resignation of Paytm’s founder, Vijay Sekhar Sharma, from his position as the chairman of Paytm Payments Bank, adds another layer to the uncertainties surrounding employees’ professional futures. The tragic suicide of Gaurav Gupta, an employee at Paytm Payments Bank in Indore, on 26 February 2024, underscores the critical importance of…

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In today’s hyperconnected world, a concerning trend has emerged: doomscrolling. This term describes the habit of endlessly consuming negative news and distressing content on social media and other digital platforms. Characterized by a relentless scroll through news feeds for updates on crises, disasters, and conflicts, doomscrolling has become prevalent among employees, particularly during periods of global uncertainty. Whether it’s industry turmoil, political unrest, or natural disasters, individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of negativity, unable to escape the constant barrage of alarming headlines and distressing imagery. Understanding the allure of doomscrolling While some may be surprised that individuals actively…

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Promotions are intended to reward exceptional performance, acknowledge valuable contributions, and propel individuals into new career heights. However, when the promotion process deviates from merit-based criteria, the consequences can be detrimental to individual morale, team dynamics, and overall organisational effectiveness. The shadow of misguided promotions Misguided promotions, often fuelled by nepotism, favouritism, or unclear evaluation systems, can cast a long shadow over an organisation. Consider the fictional case of Aryan, at XYZ Corporation, where Aryan’s swift promotion due to familial connections, despite limited experience, left colleagues feeling disheartened and questioning the fairness of the system. While the company eventually rectified…

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Members of the generation before them, the baby boomers, made for leaders who stood as solid rocks in a stormy sea. They provided stability through a traditional and hierarchical approach. They valued loyalty, discipline and hard work. They operated in a command-and-control style, making decisions from the top down. Their strong work ethics helped build lasting institutions that faced challenges with determination. The baby boomer leadership era, known for resilience and commitment, laid the groundwork for today’s corporate landscape. Millennials, however, are now bringing a fresh breeze to the corporate world, reshaping the leadership landscape established by baby boomers. Unlike…

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In the midst of discussions about the potential for Indian youth to work up to 70 hours a week, spurred by comments from the founder of Infosys, Australia is spearheading a revolution in work policies. The Land Down Under is contemplating a ground-breaking law, the ‘Right to Disconnect’, designed to empower workers to reject unnecessary calls or messages from their superiors after working hours. This initiative seeks to establish a harmonious office culture, prioritising a healthy equilibrium between professional and personal life. Under this proposed law, employers would be prohibited from compelling their staff to work unpaid beyond regular hours,…

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A wave of employee wellbeing programmes washes over the corporate world, but some are just sudsy facades. How can organisations avoid ‘wellbeing washing’ and create genuine initiatives that benefit their workforce? The link between happy, healthy employees and productive, successful organisations is undeniable. This has spurred a global surge in employee wellbeing programmes. Yet, amidst this trend, a concerning practice emerges: ‘wellbeing washing’. Think of it as corporate ‘eyewash’. Companies present a superficial image of caring about employee wellbeing, offering perks such as fruit platters or boasting a positive culture, without genuinely addressing underlying issues. This leaves employees feeling disappointed…

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The commanding leadership style, once lauded for its decisiveness and efficiency, is facing an uphill battle with younger generations. Gen Z and Gen Y employees, raised on collaboration and autonomy, find the top-down, directive approach disengaging and demotivating. This clash in preferences is creating a disconnect that hinders engagement, productivity, and ultimately, organisational success. Imagine a scenario: Manager A employs a classic commanding style, unilaterally announcing a major project shift without consulting the team. This decision triggers a cascade of negative consequences. Team members feel disengaged, their individual contributions ignored. Ramesh Shankar S, senior HR leader and former CHRO, Siemens,…

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The cookie-cutter approach to HR is crumbling. Today’s diverse workforce craves personalised experiences that cater to their unique needs and aspirations. Artificial intelligence (AI), with its machine learning (ML), natural language processing (NLP), and data analytics prowess, is the key to unlocking this hyper-personalised HR future. Imagine receiving insightful, continuous feedback throughout your workday, not just in yearly reviews. AI analyses performance data, project outcomes, and even peer reviews to pinpoint your strengths and potential areas for growth. NLP, extracting valuable insights from communication channels, uncovers your commendable skills and attributes. This real-time, personalised feedback fuels ongoing professional development. “The…

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While the narrative often revolves around the tech-savvy Gen Z and the seasoned Gen X, a generation risks getting squeezed in the middle: Generation Y, or the Millennials. Born between the early 1980s and mid-1990s, they form a significant chunk of the workforce, yet their needs and contributions are often overshadowed. Often stereotyped as ‘entitled’, Millennials are, in reality, a generation defined by adaptability, innovation, and a strong social conscience. Shaped by economic turbulence and armed with digital skills, they bridge the gap between tech prowess and human-centric values. They seek work-life balance, career development, and purpose in their work.…

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While burnout, characterised by chronic stress and exhaustion, often dominates workplace well-being discussions, another, quieter threat lurks: rustout. Unlike burnout’s fiery intensity, rustout creeps in slowly, manifesting as boredom, stagnation, and underutilisation. Think of it as a mind dulled by repetitive tasks, like a knife losing its edge from disuse. Unlike burnout’s excessive workload and pressure, rustout thrives on monotony, routine, and a lack of growth opportunities. While burnout drains physical and emotional energy, rustout erodes interest and enthusiasm. “Allow employees to choose projects that pique their interest, offering a break from routine, fostering new learning, and enabling skill development…

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With whispers of economic uncertainty and Bloomberg reporting middle managers as being at most risk for job cuts in 2024, it’s easy to fall into a reactive, cost-cutting mentality. But amidst the noise, a critical truth emerges: investing in your middle managers isn’t a luxury, it’s a strategic imperative. Middle managers, the unsung heroes of any organisation, bridge the gap between ambitious executive visions and the daily realities of frontline employees. Yet, despite their pivotal role, they often face limited autonomy, unclear expectations, and insufficient support. This leads to frustration and feelings of disempowerment, ultimately hindering their effectiveness and impacting…

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Imagine transcending the confines of a single currency, replacing it with a vibrant bouquet of benefits that nourish employee engagement and propel growth. This is the essence of systemic rewards, a philosophy that moves beyond mere paychecks to encompass a holistic approach to recognising and motivating employees. Unlike traditional, purely monetary systems, systemic rewards weave a tapestry of incentives, recognition strategies, and well-being initiatives. This creates a dynamic work environment where employees blossom from cogs in a machine to valued members of a thriving community. Consider Mala, a tech company employee. Initially drawn to the competitive salary, she discovered a…

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In the bustling heart of a tech firm, two colleagues sit side-by-side, code pulsing on their screens. Employee A, armed with a top-tier degree and six years of experience, leads a team. Yet, Employee B, fresh-faced with three years under her belt, earns more. Why? Because in this new paradigm, it’s what you can do, and not how long you’ve been doing it that dictates your worth. This is the era of skill-based pay, a transformative approach where compensation aligns with specific abilities driving success, not just job titles or seniority. “The importance of specialised skills is skyrocketing,” observes Arjun…

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Forget the linear climb up the corporate ladder, polished shoes one rung at a time. Today’s professionals are trading that predictable ascent for a bolder, more dynamic path: the career zigzag. This isn’t a random stroll through the job jungle, but a strategic navigation, one fuelled by the demands of a changing world and the thirst for adaptability. Think of it as surfing the tides of a dynamic labour market. Where once a single company could offer a full career arc, industries are now reshaping faster than one can say “digital transformation.” Skills become obsolete with alarming speed, demanding flexibility…

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Forget the perfectly planned charts and predictable brainstorming sessions. When it comes to real innovation, the most groundbreaking ideas often sprout in the messy garden of chaos. This might sound strange. Shouldn’t creativity blossom in a neat and tidy environment? But the truth is, innovation thrives not in the comfort of familiarity, but in the jarring collisions of diverse thoughts and unexpected detours. As Amit Sharma, former CHRO, Volvo Eicher, aptly notes, “Innovation thrives in the face of the unknown, when there’s no clear roadmap. In today’s dynamic landscape, organisations that embrace a little chaos, that trust their people to…

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The year 2023 wasn’t just marked by roaring inflation and geopolitical tremors; it also witnessed a subtler earthquake within the workforce – the rise of the ‘quiet’ trends. These weren’t the kind of movements that dominated headlines with fiery pronouncements; they were whispers of discontent, anxieties simmering beneath the surface. Yet, their impact on employee morale, productivity, and the overall work culture was undeniable. Unlike the fanfare of traditional corporate pronouncements, these trends unfolded discreetly, behind closed doors and hushed conversations. It was a game of whispers, not pronouncements, as companies implemented cost-cutting measures, restructured workforces, and recalibrated their talent…

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How long should someone stick with a company? Is there an ideal duration to create that perfect balance between experience and the thrill of new opportunities? Exactly how long should an individual remain tethered to a single company? The answers to these questions are not that easy, since there are numerous factors that influence employee tenure and it varies for different age groups. Today’s workforce has people from different generations — Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z. Each group has its own way of thinking about work and how long they want to stay in a job. What…

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In a world where technology often feels like it’s pushing us further apart, a surprising transformation is unfolding within the realm of human resources. Artificial intelligence (AI), often perceived as the harbinger of automation and efficiency, is quietly redefining what it means to be human in HR. It’s not about replacing the human touch; it’s about amplifying it, empowering HR professionals to become the most empathetic, insightful and impactful stewards of talent they can be. “AI is our ally in the quest for human connection,” says Ashish Pinto, CHRO, Nesco. “It frees us from the tyranny of the mundane, allowing…

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The age of the personality hire is upon us. Beyond the polished resumes and years of experience, employers are increasingly seeking out candidates whose quirks, values, and emotional intelligence make them a perfect fit for their teams and culture. This shift, fuelled by the collaborative demands of the modern workplace and the rise of self-expressive platforms such as TikTok, is fundamentally reshaping the way we understand talent and build successful organisations. This shift isn’t just a youthful fad. It reflects a broader recognition within the professional world that technical prowess alone isn’t enough. Companies are increasingly seeking individuals who not…

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While setting aspirational goals is undoubtedly crucial, the path to success can be significantly smoothened by incorporating counterintuitive yet powerful tools known as anti-goals. These are not goals in the traditional sense, but rather guiding principles that steer one away from pitfalls and unproductive behaviours, helping one reach one’s desired outcomes faster and with greater efficiency. Imagine navigating a complex maze. Goals represent the desired destination, but anti-goals act as checkpoints, pointing one away from dead ends and ensuring one stays on the most efficient path. In the workplace, where deadlines loom and resources are limited, anti-goals offer a strategic…

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Imagine a workplace where employees are encouraged to dream big, to question the status quo, and to chase seemingly impossible goals. This is the essence of the ‘big bet mindset’, a departure from incremental improvements and a leap into the realm of bold ideas and transformative projects. Companies such as Google, with its moonshot factory, or Tesla, pushing the boundaries of electric vehicles, are prime examples of this approach. They empower their employees to pursue ambitious dreams, knowing that even if they fail, the lessons learned will pave the way for future breakthroughs. Shaleen Manik, CHRO, Transsion India, sees this…

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Retirement, once a singular and definitive milestone, is blurring. Enter flexi-retirement, a concept redefining the later stages of one’s career with a dose of agility. It’s not a sudden cliff dive into inactivity, but a gentle slope, a bridge between the familiar grind and a life painted with new possibilities. Imagine stepping back from the 9-to-5 hamster wheel, yet retaining a tether to the professional world. A space where leisure dances with intellectual pursuits, where hobbies bloom alongside meaningful work. This is the allure of flexi-retirement, a sweet spot where individuals curate a customised blend of freedom and purpose. “It’s…

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In the ever-shifting tech landscape, HR faces the critical task of choosing and implementing solutions to optimise processes and drive organisational success. But navigating the labyrinthine world of technology purchases requires a strategic approach, balancing diverse factors and overcoming potential hurdles. Understanding the organisation’s needs is the cornerstone of HR’s decision-making. Key stakeholders’ input is crucial to identify pain points and opportunities the new technology should address. Vendor evaluation follows, where solutions are assessed based on functionality, scalability, reputation, and support. “Prioritise needs first. Is it cost reduction, better employee services, or data analytics?” Sunil Ranjhan, senior advisor, LG Electronics…

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The modern workplace buzzes with activity, but not all voices rise above the din. A new trend is emerging, a counterpoint to the attention-grabbing: ‘quietly managing’. This subtle yet effective approach prioritises efficiency and employee well-being, offering an alternative to both flamboyant leadership and the silent disengagement of ‘quiet quitting’. Quietly managing is about handling challenges calmly and effectively, achieving success without fanfare. It’s not about shrinking into the background, but about mastering the art of silent effectiveness. In contrast to the grand gestures of traditional leadership, this approach champions efficiency through subtle action. Jayant Kumar, CHRO, ACC and Ambuja…

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The lament is all too familiar: ‘If only we’d known’. In the world of business, it often rings truest when top performers start walking out the door, one by one. By then, it’s often too late for desperate pleas or hefty retention packages. But what if organisations could predict who’s at risk of leaving, and why? This is where machine learning (ML) steps in, offering a powerful tool to shift from reactive firefighting to proactive employee retention. High turnover is a costly and disruptive headache for companies. Recruitment expenses, training costs, and the loss of institutional knowledge are just a…

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Sabre India’s approach to innovation is not confined to flashy hackathons or trendy buzzwords. It’s a constant hum in the background, woven into the fabric of the company’s daily operations. This commitment to pervasive innovation, where every employee is a potential inventor, sets Sabre apart in the competitive travel technology landscape. Innovation isn’t just an aspiration at Sabre India, a travel technology company headquartered in Southlake, Texas, with 1,500+ employees in India. It’s a living, breathing practice, embedded in every interaction and decision. Unlike companies that compartmentalise innovation into isolated programmes or events, Sabre India doesn’t believe in ‘innovation labs’…

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