MiHoYo, the game-developing company, whose Genshin Impact is very popular, has rewarded its employees for their hard work and performance throughout 2020 in a unique way. It has given away gaming consoles, such as Play Station 5, Nintendo Switch, RTX GPU’s, GeForce RTX Graphics Cards, iPhones and iPads to its employees as gifts, at its annual meeting!
These grand gifts led to Twitterati joking that because of MiHoYo’s gifting idea, the game consoles are out of stock in the market.
A Twitter user shared this news along with pictures supporting the news, needless to say, many youngsters are now hoping to work for MiHoYo.
While the Company gave away these items to all employees — that means over 1,500 employees — the limited stocks forced them to resort to a lottery system. There is a limited supply of the PS5 and Xbox Series X because, AMD, which supplies the Zen 2 CPU for both these consoles has been unable to keep up with the demand. However, the Xbox Series X offers superior performance on paper with its 12 TFLOPS of power while the PS5 is limited to 10 TFLOPS of power.
Many gamers have a long wait ahead of them before they can get their hands on the Sony PS5. Sony India has only just received its first pre-orders in January, with the consoles being delivered in February. The next pre-order date has not been announced for Indian users yet. It is expected that both the Sony PS5 and Xbox Series X will remain in short supply until July this year.