The national employment policy (NEP), which has been long overdue, may finally see light of day. The same will be formulated once the five important surveys are completed. These surveys — on migrants, professionals, domestic workers, industrial establishments and transport sector — are expected to involve six months of field work and study, following which the reports will be out in the next eight months. The surveys will help the Government identify the areas that need more focus and emphasis, and also work on formalising the informal sector and ensure social security for gig / unorganised workers.
Earlier, the Government had announced that the four employment surveys on migrant workers, domestic workers, professionals and the transport sector will be launched in March 2021 and completed by October 2021, and the policy itself will be ready by December this year. The comprehensive NEP will show the way to improve employment opportunities in India, through various skill-development programmes, investments and policy interventions.
The data that the surveys throw up, which will be specific to industries and sectors, will help to give a more clear picture of all the rungs of the labour market, and design schemes accordingly. It will also give details about the domestic workers across the states, their social and demographic characteristics. The data will give a better idea of how many professionals are active in India and how many jobs are generated by these professions. Similar information about gig workers may be thrown up through the survey of the transport sector and study of the value chain.