The concept of employee engagement is highly subjective and often misunderstood. While many equate engagement to happiness, that’s not fully correct, as engagement is not just employee happiness. While it is a challenge to understand engagement in its real sense, organisations are definitely aware of its many benefits and make efforts to keep their people feeling engaged. However, driving employee engagement has been rather tough for organisations across industries, geographies and sizes.
The whole confusion around where to begin and what to consider while planning employee engagement is not unusual and at times all one needs is a little guidance and some useful tips to set out on the engagement journey.
Recognising this need, HRKatha and Vantage Circle have put together a detailed DIY guide, which will not only empower HR professionals across levels, with a better understanding of employee engagement but will also equip them with a ready-to-execute DIY strategy. The e-book Decoding and Driving Employee Engagement is a ready reckoner for all those who are looking to kick-start their engagement journey.
Busting the myths around employee engagement and covering all its real components, this guidebook also offers a practical perspective of what it means to successfully engage the workforce and how it converts to business success, through interesting stories of some successful organisations that have got it right. The five case studies along with interesting videos and data-rich infographics to prove the concepts presented in this guidebook make for a convenient starter-kit for anyone desirous of getting their engagement game started.
Download E-book ‘Decoding And Driving Employee Engagement’ here
Download this e-book if you are:
– An employee-engagement enthusiast and a true believer of its power to transform businesses.
– A business owner who’s still doubtful about how employee engagement will change things for your business – for good!
– An HR professional who is committed to keeping the people in the organisation engaged but does not know where to begin.
– Someone who has tried to do it – invested efforts and finances into engaging people – but did not see the expected results.
– Looking to strategise, materialise or digitise your employee-engagement efforts.
Download the step-by-step guide to employee engagement and what it takes to devise an effective strategy to ensure a happier and productive workforce here!