One of the world’s largest human resources providers, PageUp, recently reported data breach after noticing ‘unusual activity’ on its system. The Australian company, which claims it has more than two million active monthly users in 90 countries, has a customer list of names, such as Lindt, Australia Post, Kmart, the Reserve Bank of Australia, Commonwealth Bank and Telstra just to name a few. The human resource management system (HRMS) platform is home to a lot of sensitive data, irrespective of the size or nature of the organisation. Ranging from bank account details to aadhar card and social-security numbers, this data…
Author: Deepa Jain | HRKatha
Have you heard the buzz around ‘blockchain’ but remain clueless about what exactly it is? You are not the only one. A lot of people talk about blockchain but few truly understand what it is and how it functions. To cut long story short, blockchain is a technology. Created under the pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto, it was originally built as a platform for cryptocurrency Bitcoin. Often misunderstood as a dependent variable of Bitcoin, there is far more to this revolutionary technology than we can even fathom. What exactly is blockchain? Let’s explain with the help of a simple example — the…
The benefits of switching to HRMS (Human resource management system) are endless. However, there are challenges in implementation that cannot be ignored. Here’s how to cope.
Since the output of white-collared employees cannot be accurately measured, the solution lies in mutual respect and understanding between employers and employees.
Since ages, organisations have had to take a tough call in terms of hiring manpower—whether to hire well-qualified candidates or well-experienced ones. While some industry experts vouch for well-educated minds, some argue in favour of experienced individuals, as they are the ones who know the ropes.
Jokes on HR are very popular among employees. Stereotypes, sarcasm and perceptions are the biggest barriers between HR and employees. HR now has to look beyond.
Gen Z are highly sensitive towards civic and environmental issues and believe in giving back to the society. They are clear about their career goals and know what they want. They believe in work–life balance and pursuing hobbies apart from work. They are immensely curious by nature and dislike unanswered questions.
Career breaks often become a mental block for recruiters, standing midways between a deserving candidate and a good job opportunity.