In order to double the number of restaurants in India’s north and east regions, McDonald’s has announced plans to hire 5000 people. The fast-service restaurant will be opening 300 outlets in the coming three years.
The company has 156 restaurants currently, operating in the northern and eastern India.
PTI reports that McDonald’s has already inaugurated its largest restaurant in Guwahati, Assam as a part of its expansion plan. It’s said to be spread across 6700 square feet and has the capacity to hold 220 people at a time. The report also mentions that the company plans to follow its rapid growth strategies and is looking to expand its network across the states under its umbrella.
“Guwahati, being the gateway for northeast India, is a strategic location for us with future expansion possibilities and we are working to open more outlets in north-eastern region,” Rajeev Ranjan, McDonald’s India (North and East) managing director. Speaking to PTI, he also adds that hiring will increase as the company expands.
In India, McDonald’s is represented by two master franchisees: the MMG Group, managed by Sanjeev Agrawal, for the north and east of the country, and the Westlife Group, led by B L Jatia, for the west and south.