A young Chinese woman, who carries the surname Tan, has taken up a unique job, where she says she enjoys peace, an ideal work environment and ample leisure time. The icing on the cake is that she does not have to deal with office politics! Her job is that of grave keeper, a name she herself has given to the role.
This 22-year old woman works in a cemetery in Chongqing, China. She has now become famous because of the videos and pictures of her ‘workplace’ that she posted on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok.
With access to the Internet and a two-hour long lunch break, her job entails the sale of tombs, keeping the graves dusted and clean for the kin of the dead, and also receiving guests. The complimentary scenic view and the company of enough cats and dogs is an added bonus.
At a monthly salary of about Rs 45,760, it is a very convenient and simple job as Tan herself admits. For accommodation, she relies on a dormitory arrangement with her co-workers onsite. Her duty begins at 8:30 a.m. in the morning and lasts till 5 p.m. in the evening for six days a week. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise that Tan, who is a graduate, has no intentions of quitting this job or even considering another one anytime soon. After all, as she rightly says, this job is almost like early retirement.