This exercise will ensure efficiency and productivity in government departments.
Performance appraisal is a periodic exercise in organisations to identify the performers and non-performers, wherein the former gets rewarded and promoted, and the latter get fired. While this exercise is an annual feature in private organisations, it is not the same in governmental departments, which is why government employees are relaxed and their productivity is less compared to private organisations.
But going further, this situation in government departments is going to improve. Already, several government departments have brought into effect policies to find the poor performers and penalise them accordingly.
The General Administration Department (GAD) of Madhya Pradesh is going to have performance appraisal of all class III and class IV state employees who have completed 20 years of service or attained the age of 50 years. GAD has sent a circular to all district collectors and department heads regarding the implementation of appraisal exercise.
A district-level committee will review the service record documents of all class III and IV employees. If the committee finds that performance of any employee is unsatisfactory, then the Government will act under an already present administration provision, by which the employee can be given compulsory retirement.
The employees in these government departments are in a state of panic as their performance was never evaluated before and they are afraid of losing their jobs now.
Commenting on the decision, Minister for Revenue Uma Shankar Gupta said that “Performance appraisal is necessary. It needs to be done if we want efficiency in state government offices.”
Further, Minister of State Vishwas Sarang said that, “Performance scrutiny is required. It strengthens government working.”
This decision will help to make the government departments become efficient with the help of effective government employees. The Government already has provisions for compulsory retirement of non-performing employees, but it had not implemented it earlier, for political reasons.