A recent study has revealed that more and more H-1B visa holders in the US are switching jobs. In fact, there was a record high number of job switches in 2022 by H-1B visa holders. Considering that there is are so many pending green card applications to be processed and the fees are so high when it comes to hiring H-1B visa holders who are already employed, this is a rather interesting development. While one about 24,000 H-1B visa holders switched jobs in 2005, such switches reached 1,30,576 in 2022. This is a huge jump. Why is it happening?
For one, the number of H-1B visa holders is growing in leaps and bounds. Therefore, US employers have a huge pool to tap. Also, the labour market is tight and characterised by more movement of employees across industries. A third factor is that the number of applicants for green cards has also grown. Such applicants have the liberty to switch jobs without their employers having to go through the hassle of the green card process.
A report by David J Bier, director of immigration studies, Cato Institute reveals that last year, that is, 2023, about 61 per cent of all H-1B holders who joined a new employer were existing H-1B holders who had been working with other employers and had been poached or had decided to switch jobs.
Clearly, employers prefer hiring those who possess an H-1B visa and are already employed, with the required permissions and documents to work in the country.
Additionally, thanks to an amendment in policy about seven years ago, if H-1B visa holders lose their existing job, they are allowed two months, or 60 days to be precise, to find themselves another job.