SAIL staff can opt for shorter work hours now

The steel-making company has launched a scheme to ensure that employees have more time for self-development and better work-life balance


Steel Authority of India (SAIL) has taken a step in the right direction to ensure the physical and mental well-being of its employees. It has rolled out the ‘Shorter Working Period Scheme’, which will allow employees to balance their domestic and professional life.

Starting November, all regular employees up to grade E-7 or the mid-management level, who have completed 10 years of service, can choose to work for three days in a week, or every alternate day, or for four hours every working day, or just 50 per cent of the working days in a month with a variable structure.

However, employees who opt for the system will receive only 50 percent of their basic wage (including PP/stagnation increment, if any), a dearness allowance and perks.

The scheme does not, in any way, impact the other benefits and facilities that the employees enjoy, such as medical benefits and house rent allowance.

The objective of the scheme is to ensure the self-development of the employees, and allow them time to add to their existing knowledge and skills, pursue hobbies, take vacations and spend quality time with their family. The Company understands that unless employees are able to manage their time better, they will not be able to develop themselves, and has, therefore, given them this level of flexibility to ensure their physical and mental well health.

The move is expected to make the staff more productivity and also maximise their potential.

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