Freshworkes has roped in Johanna Jackman to take on the role of chief people officer. Backed by over two decades of rich experience, Jackman was director of HR at Nine, the Australian online content publisher from 1997 to 2001. She then joined Microsoft as senior HR manager in June of 2001. Within three years, she was elevated to people and organization consultant, based out of Washington. Till 2008, she successfully led a geographically-dispersed virtual team to deliver business results for a 7,000-strong highly matrixed, global pipeline with combined spend of over $5 billion.
She spent the next two years as founder and principal of Catalysm, a consultancy firm focused on creating personal and professional transformation.
It was in 2011 that she joined LinkedIn as director – HR. She drove and executed the people strategy for marketing, finance, HR, business development, as well as legal for two years before being elevated to senior director – HR in 2013. By the time she left LinkedIn in 2017, she had become the vice president – human resources.
Her next assignment was with Pure, as the chief people officer, from 2017 to 2021, based out of San Francisco Bay Area. As a board member of Pure Good Foundation, she represented the philanthropy efforts of the employees to drive environmental impact and workforce development solutions to those in need.
She moved on from Pure to do a short stint with Airtable, before joining Grafana Labs as board member.
In her new assignment at Freshworks, a company that makes affordable and easy-to-use software, she will look after the firm’s global HR strategy, including talent acquisition, facilities and employee development