The maturity level of organisations can be gauged by the manner in which they perform on the following seven dimensions of talent health, says the Cornerstone Talent Health report: talent reporting, data and analytics; culture and technology;skills strategy; talent mobility; learning and development; performance management; and content strategy
Starting with the first dimension, that is, talent reporting, data and analytics, mature organisations make use of centralised reports and allow their managers access to self-service reports. They depend on visual dashboards and generally have a dedicated HR analytics team in place. The likelihood of such organisations using data to inform people and explore predictive analytics to anticipate future business needs is high.
When it comes to culture and technology, the CHROs of mature organisations are an active part of strategic planning processes and drive the people agenda. They implement the latest HR and talent technologies to ensure progress and to push the business ahead.
In terms of skills strategy, mature organisations are able to identify skills that exist in their workforces and address skills gaps. They focus on turning the business into a skills marketplace.
Another trait associated with mature organisations is that when it comes to succession planning, recruitment is proactive, whether from within or outside the organisation. There is complete transparency regarding vacancies and projects. There is openness about the job and skill requirements.
The next dimension, that is, learning and development (L&D) finds mature organisations implementing effective learning programmes. Additionally, they empower employees to build skills required for their own development and career progress. These organisations are adept at identifying the skills required today and in the future.
Performance at mature organisations is driven by leaders as a strategic process to accomplish business goals. The HR teams not only review data but also identify trends and biases. Each member of the workforce is aware of the performance goals, metrics and outcomes.
As part of their content strategy, mature organisations curate the learning content on a regular basis. Employees are encouraged to self-cute content, upload the same and even educate others in the organisation.