It’s a known fact that the quality of the talent pool separates the great organisations from the good. The pace of change is palpable and businesses across the globe are striving to transform themselves in order to stay relevant and profitable in this digital age. To achieve that competitive advantage, it’s imperative that businesses employ ‘customised learning’ to develop their internal talent. The learning ability differs from individual to individual and so does the career aspiration(s). So, how do organisations take this path and experience better learning outcomes for their workforce and create business impact?
A one size fits all learning plan does not yield the desired outcomes. In fact, it can have adverse effects. Customised learning has a broad range of possibilities — from customised interfaces to adaptive mentors, from learner-centred classrooms to learning-management systems. Customised learning based on the learner’s needs, coupled with the right mode of content delivery makes the learners feel in control of their own learning and respond better. Add mobility and on-demand factor to it—Voila! You have a perfect solution that has the potential to revolutionise learning.
HR professionals are working closely with the businesses to customise learning based on the learners’ need and the business requirement. They are increasingly turning to large-scale data collection and analysis to enable technologically-mediated learning solutions. Customised learning adapts to the learners’ unique combination of goals, interests, and competencies and the ongoing process of shifting instruction as these conditions change. The new data-driven learning technologies help achieve the following:
Accelerate learning and optimise resources
By providing the learners a precise objective and flexibility to learn from anywhere using any device, we see that the engagement factor grows manifold. For instance, creating a consumer-like experience for the learners and empowering them with the ability to make a choice, is moving a step forward in the right direction. Moreover, nugget-sized learning (three to five-minute videos) helps the learners to fit it into their busy schedules.
Are you looking to improve business outcomes by transforming learning in your organisation? This report from Bersin, Deloitte LLP, explores learning experience platforms (LXPs) and the five key capabilities to consider while selecting or upgrading LXP solutions.
Are you looking to improve business outcomes by transforming learning in your organisation? This report from Bersin, Deloitte LLP, explores learning experience platforms (LXPs) and the five key capabilities to consider while selecting or upgrading LXP solutions.
Reduce content, keep it relevant
Employees who seek to upskill in a given subject will get intimidated if they are given a module with pages and pages of words. They may feel put off and lose interest. Customised learning helps to reduce the content burden. It also makes it easier for learners to discover useful information that aligns with their interests, and learn as they wish.
Increase learner engagement
Companies use simple yet flexible digital interfaces to provide a platform for learning and development. Individuals can use their mobile devices to access the programmes. By using an interactive user interface, they can enhance employee engagement. Here, a learner can choose from multiple eLearning platforms and an engaging platform drives retention. Moreover, it provides more opportunity to apply and reinforce learning. By curating a module based on the preference of the learner, she/he will be more engaged to learn continuously and consistently.
Close critical skill gaps
A curated learning programme ensures upskilling in essential competencies that are aligned to an individual’s requirement, and that is what is most valued by leading organisations. Thus, a learner can prioritise learning paths, which come under core competencies.
Offer multiple learning modalities
Since learners are driven by different preferences, allowing them to choose how they want to learn encourages learning. A learner has multiple options to choose from, such as kinesthetics (moving), visual (seeing), auditory (hearing), and tactile (touching). Everyone is a little bit of each type, but in most people, one style prevails over the other three. Customisation ensures success in learning by offering a platform preferred by the learner. When using online training software, it’s even more important to remember that each person learns differently, so you need to build your learning content accordingly.
Demonstrate learning impact
Learning needs to manifest in work to make sure learning activity supports the key business objectives. Programme values need to be quantified with out-of-the-box reporting using charts and graphs. Customised learning helps the learners to practically use the skills and assess the progress quickly. A continuous learning environment is an important component of employee engagement and retention strategy. It helps to develop a culture that gives employees a sense of purpose and a workplace that embraces diversity and inclusion.
Maximise available time
There is never enough time in the workday for employees to accomplish all the responsibilities. It’s no surprise that employees struggle to fit learning into their busy schedules. According to Bersin by Deloitte, “One per cent of a typical workweek is all that employees have, to focus on training and development.” L&D leaders need to maximise what little time they have at their disposal, while employees must get the most out of learning. For this, it is essential to customise learning to suit the needs of the learners. Organisations risk employees losing interest in learning if it is not something they feel the need for.
Deploy and manage easily
The new-age learning modes utilise a cloud-based application that is continuously updated. A learner can take advantage of development in any topic and stay updated. The new intelligent learning platforms keep the learners stimulated, while push notifications and periodic reminders help them learn consistently.