India will be the most affected as one-third of IBM’s workforce is based out of here.
IBM is planning to reassign a third of their staff at a global level. This implies that there will a layoff of 10,000 employees. It is estimated that the US market will see 1,700 job losses while the remaining 8,300 exits will happen offshore, which also includes India.
India will be the most affected as one-third of IBM’s workforce is based out of India.
The reassignments are expected to occur in large numbers in the GTS (global technology & services) division.
An IBM representative had clarified to the media that the Company was focussed on redeploying and reskilling its workforce globally, and it was substantially increasing its investment in professional development and technical training to concentrate on its strategic initiatives.
Forum of IT Professionals (ForIT), the union for IT professionals, which fights for employees who have been forcefully removed from their jobs, has asked employees of IBM to not succumb to any pressure from the IBM management.
The forum has also demanded that the government engage in proactive action to ensure that the law is properly followed.
ForIT played an active role when Verizon had fired about a 1000 employees from its Chennai and Hyderabad facilities. It acted on behalf of employees who were forced to resign through physical intimidation and threats. A criminal case was registered against the Company after the former employees alleged that the Company had hired bouncers to threaten them and force them to resign.