The staff of the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) are hugely disappointed by the heavy pay cuts imposed on them. Apparently, many have received only Rs 4,000 to Rs 5,000 against the usual Rs. 25,000 to Rs 30,000. Some have even received an amount less than Rs 1,000!
The unions have threatened to go on strike if a resolution is not offered by July 24. They are demanding full salary disbursement for the month of June to all employees. They are also demanding an isolation ward for employees who test positive for COVID, at the RTC hospital in Tarnaka.
Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, TSRTC is offering only partial services. As a result, many workers do not have any work. They just visit the depots to mark their attendance every day.
However, their pay was being given on the basis of the services rendered by them and not on the basis of their attendance. Some were even marked as ‘on leave’ even though they were present. Some bus drivers confirm that they were paid only for the days that they undertook a trip, despite being present for duty every day. This, the workers rightly feel is unfair because the trips are not under their control.
With salaries being reduced by half, the employees have been struggling for a couple of months now. This payment on the basis of the services rendered is only adding to their issues. Employees cannot help that only 4,000 out of the 10,460 buses are running right now. It is not their fault that only less than half of the 49,000-strong workforce is being utilised.