Author: Liji Narayan | HRKatha

HRKatha prides itself in being a good journalistic product and Liji deserves all the credit for it. Thanks to her, our readers get clean copies to read every morning while our writers are kept on their toes.

Organisations that have fewer women in their workforces are actually missing out. On what? On many positive outcomes, including higher job satisfaction, enhanced level of dedication, and even lesser burnout. Wondering how that is possible? Here’s how: More talent: Women form a significant portion of the population. In India, about 66 per cent of the population between the ages of 15 and 64, comprises women. By not employing more women, companies are actually depriving themselves of the talent and abilities of more than half the population. That is losing out on a lot of untapped potential. Potential that could have…

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Every year, the International Day for People with Disability is observed the world over, on the third day of December. According to the United Nations, this year’s theme is the empowerment of persons with disabilities (PWD) for inclusive, equitable and sustainable development as envisaged in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which pledges to ‘leave no one behind’. Unfortunately, it is not easy to ensure that PWD are not ‘left behind’, especially in a country like India, where ramps at shopping malls to ensure easy accessibility for wheel chair-borne people have only become common recently. However hard we try, in…

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Pick up the newspaper and there is bound to be at least one story about some organisation downsizing or slashing jobs in order to cut costs. Simply reading such news day in and day out makes professionals anxious, worried and restless. During such fluid times, when the economy is going through a disturbing slump, it is the duty of the leaders and HR personnel in organisations to take the necessary steps to put employees’ layoff anxiety at ease. Research shows that most professionals, at least 47 per cent, are not prepared to handle a layoff. Women are the most unprepared…

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Studies have shown that most employees leave jobs because they are not happy with their bosses or with the leadership of the company. Employees yearn to work under successful leaders, so that they can learn from them and get inspired. While we all know that great leaders possess a magnetic personality, are charming, knowledgeable, charismatic and confident, there is one important trait that is often overlooked—humility. The success of leaders is measured by how well or to what extent they are able to bring out the best in those under them. But then, most leaders forget to do this because…

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Engaged employees are highly productive, are able to maintain great relations with the customers, and remain loyal to the organisation. Studies suggest that engaged workers are 21 per cent more productive. Studies also suggest that employee engagement is a direct result of a high-performance culture. So, what exactly is organisational culture? The way the staff of a company feels about their jobs is reflective of the company’s culture. If the culture of the organisation is strong, employees will also be better aware of what is expected of them and what the organisation’s goals are. It is the culture that forms…

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What is employee voice? It is the employees’ means of communicating their opinions and views to their employers. It is the means by which employees can make an impact on matters that concern them at the workplace. Employee voice is not beneficial to the employees alone. Employers stand to gain too by way of the innovative mentality of the workforce and better productivity. If there is employee voice throughout the organisation, views are not just reinforced but also challenged. The culture of the organisation becomes one where its employees are not considered the problem, but the sources of ideas and…

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We have all had mentors at some point in life — people whom we admired or looked up to for their success, accomplishments, expertise and intelligence. Mentors impact their mentees in a strong way. Teachers have been known to mentor students through school in a way that has led them to taste success not just in school but even later on in their professional lives. Such mentees not only owe it all to their mentors, but also speak about them to others with a great deal of respect and gratitude. Studies have shown that employees who have been well mentored…

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While discussing employee well-being, the importance of learning to disconnect and detach from work once the work day is over is a topic that has been done to death. Little thought is given to the fact that when employees return to their workplaces they need to be able to reconnect and reattach to their work too. Without being able to do so, it will be impossible to find the energy to get through the day or feel absorbed. It is true that when employees shut down their computers or pack their laptops and wind up for the day, they wish…

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Visibility is important in every sphere. Brands need to be visible to do well in the market. Actors need to be visible in order to retain their space in their fans’ hearts. Why go far, given the maddening pace of life today, both at home and at work, each one of us needs to be visible lest we be forgotten by our friends and neighbours! Visibility is important to everyone, even to employees because building one’s personal brand has also become essential in the corporate world. Gone are the days when people were happy doing routine 9 to 5 jobs.…

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While employee engagement seems to be the favourite topic of discussion in the HR space today, there is no single mantra to ensure that each member of the workforce is successfully and totally engaged. But since organisations are all putting in effort to keep up their commitment towards employee engagement, they need to identify the hurdles that can foil their attempts, and do everything possible to clear them. The answers to the following questions can help organisations identify the hurdles, if any. Does everyone know what employee engagement really is? When are employees said to be engaged? Some would say…

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All employers dream of the ideal workforce—employees committed to the organisational goals; personnel who work to improve their company’s products; staff that gets excited about the successes and achievements of the business; teams that uphold the culture of the workplace and add value to the workplace culture. Simply put, employers desire employees who are engaged, loyal and committed. And employees will be so only if their employers invest in them. If you ask the millennials, they will tell you that they prefer working for organisations that offer them opportunities to develop professionally, to update their skills, and to take courses…

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It was a regular chat on WhatsApp, like any other day, but my friend at the other end sounded unusually low. On asking what was bothering him, he said, “I can’t figure out ‘who am I’ and ‘why am I’”. I responded in a lighthearted manner with a question, ‘At 43, isn’t it a bit too late to seek answers to these questions?’ His reply to that had me flummoxed. “Suddenly I am unable to figure out why I am doing what I am doing. And that too for most of my waking hours!” He was right. Many of us…

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Who said only the new entrants are worried about creating a good impression on the first day at work? Their employers are equally focussed on putting their best foot forward and starting off on a good note. After all, it is the strength of their relationship with the new hires that will determine the productivity and engagement levels of the workforce. While it is true that organisations invest a lot on their new recruits, it is important for them to keep in mind that a significant number of new entrants quit within six months of joining. If better opportunities come…

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As an employer, you deal with all kinds of employees— some slow, others energetic, some smart, and yet others dim witted. However, you will also come across a rare few who are always erupting with new ideas. These are the members of the staff who will question the status quo, be eager to try new things, will ask relevant questions, and come up with suggestions, solutions and out-of-the-box ideas. They stand out because of their abilities and extraordinary personalities. They refuse to just sit back and do what is normal and will not fear being the only one with a…

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We all know that leaders have the ability to make or break an organisation. We also know that leaders need to possess certain qualities to succeed in their role other than simply being go-getters. The usual desirable qualities on the list are: decisiveness, dynamism, orientation to change, and the ability to influence, among other qualities that seem to reflect a readiness to act or take action at all times. Being nice was never expected of leaders, because this quality is known to actually hinder leadership. Leaders have been known to be the reason behind employees remaining loyal or quitting the…

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‘A desk connected to a digital exercise bike can help burn calories’, said the headline. Before long, another headline caught my eye, ‘Get work done and workout at the same time with this $400 stationary bike’. A third one said, ‘This bicycle desk is healthier than a sitting desk and less of a drag than a standing one’. Yet another one screamed, ‘Cycling can help India save Rs 1.8 trillion: TERI’. That is an alarmingly huge figure, I thought to myself. Before I could recover from the shock, there it was once again, ‘Trivandrum gets its own Bicycle Mayor.’ “What…

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With all the buzz around employee engagement these days, and the role of quality employee experiences in promoting the same, the corporate world is looking into every little aspect of ergonomics as well. The objective is to ensure that employees stay healthy and happy. Because happy employees are more engaged. Ergonomics along with workspaces designed with ample thought go a long way in ensuring the well-being of the employees, and hence, high productivity. Corporate houses across the globe are relying on technological innovation to enhance employee and client experience. It is observed that organisations that follow and sustain proper ergonomic…

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If you look for the definition of ‘listening’ on Google, you will get many versions— ‘give one’s attention to a sound’; ‘take notice of and act on what someone says’; ‘respond to advice or a request’; ‘make an effort to hear something’; ‘be alert and ready to hear something’. In the corporate world, the act of listening, especially on the part of the employers should be a blend of all the actions suggested in the above definitions. A good listener is one who takes in what he hears as input, acts on it and then also gets back with output,…

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Engagement at work is highest among employees in India than in other countries reveals a survey. ADP Research Institute’s recent global survey revealed that between 2015 and 2018, India reflected a five per cent increase (the maximum in the world) in the number of employees who were fully engaged. In its study, ADP covered 19,346 full-time as well as part-time employees across 19 countries. The lowest scorer was China, whose employee engagement reflected a fall of 13 per cent, bringing it to a low of six per cent. While the survey shows that multinational companies report better employee-engagement rates in…

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It is common knowledge that there is a lot of strength in teamwork. However, what organisations do not realise is that working in teams actually increases engagement levels. A recent study by the ADP Research Institute (ADPRI) reveals that teams and trust in the leaders of teams have a very positive influence on employee engagement. The survey covered a random sample of about a 1000 full-time employees in each country and studied about 19,346 responses. The findings were rather interesting. Employees who are part of a team are more engaged than those who work on their own. In fact, members…

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As per Universum’s annual survey of more than 24000 students from across Indian universities, Google is the most attractive workplace. And surprisingly, work-life balance seems to have become the most important criterion while seeking jobs! In an attempt to examine the aspirations of India’s youth—engineering, IT, commerce, business, and MBA students— the study also tried to identify the ‘Top 100 Ideal Employers’, based on the responses of the students. Not surprisingly, Google continues to rank no. 1. As per the study, MBA students in India prefer to work for management & consulting, investment banking, and FMCG industries. However, 40 per…

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Risposo in Italy, inemuri in Japan or simply siesta in Spain and other countries— call it what you may, but research has shown that a short nap after the midday meal or lunch can do wonders for the body. In India, the practice of sleeping for a little while during the day has been in existence for centuries. Even the Greek traveller Megasthenes, who visited India over two millennia ago, made a note in his writings of how Indians enjoyed a nap after lunch. In China, lunch is given a lot of importance and so is the nap that follows.…

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The noun ‘blues’ refers to a ‘sad’ feeling, and has nothing to do with the colour blue. This feeling may arise from laziness or lack of interest. Employees often experience something commonly referred to as the ‘Monday morning blues’. All professionals may have experienced it at some point, right at the start of a work week. Employees may suffer from the blues, mainly because their workplace has stopped pleasing them. It is a known fact that when work ceases to be interesting and the workplace stops being attractive, employees tend to feel tired faster, start slipping into depression, and lose…

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It is true that the objective of employee engagement is to ensure that the employees experience an improved sense of well-being at the workplace. But it is also a fact that employees should feel as connected to their nation as they do to their workplace. What better way than to make the employees aware, that without voting, they are without any voice. It is essential for each employee to understand that voting is the most important thing an ideal citizen can do to lend support to a democratic form of government. Employers need to realise that while one person’s vote…

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Employees are a very demanding lot these days with minds of their own. Not surprisingly, it is becoming a challenge for employers to think of ways to keep them engaged. With studies proving that it is more economical to retain employees than to recruit, train and onboard them, it makes more sense for employers to hold on to their quality talent with all their might. But this is easier said than done. After all, the workforce of today looks for contentment beyond just a good salary package. Here are some ways in which organisations can ensure their employees stay on…

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Last month, my friend and neighbour approached me, brandishing a new badminton racket. She showed it off excitedly revealing that she had paid more than Rs 2000 for the same. What made her go for such an expensive racket I asked when we were managing perfectly well with our local rackets that cost one fourth of the sum. Apparently, her colleagues at work had advised her to invest in a good racket. In the few weeks that the staff at her office had taken to playing badminton in the parking lot every day, she had realised that she was quite…

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