Women form 37% of leadership and 29.2% of workforce at Microsoft

The Company presently has a 144,000 strong workforce, globally, and is taking its diversity and inclusion agenda rather seriously.


According to Microsoft’s Diversity and Inclusion Report 2019, 29.2 per cent of its global workforce comprises women. The figure has increased by 1.2 percentage points since last year. What is even better is that, at leadership levels, women represent 37 per cent of the Company’s senior managers. When it comes to technical roles alone, the figures are even more encouraging, with 49 per cent more women, 48 per cent more Hispanic/Latinx, and 67 per cent more African American/Black employees than in 2016.

About 33.3 per cent of the American multinational technology company’s workforce comprises Asians. Last year, the figure was 31.9 per cent.

As per the data, women Microsoft employees in the US earn $1.001 as compared to every $1 earned by their male counterparts, while those belonging to racial and ethnic minorities earn about $1.006 as against $1 earned by their white counterparts.

The data covering the US and five markets outside it shows that women in those combined locations earn $0.999 for every $1.000 earned by their male counterparts.”

The Company aims to provide its employees equal pay for equal work. Its inclusion index reveals that 88 per cent of its workforce admits to having experienced the positive impacts of inclusion. Although this is a very heartening figure, the Company will strive to ensure that the remaining 12 per cent also share the same feeling and are fully engaged.

Having acquired LinkedIn and GitHub, the Microsoft group of companies is actively conducting business in 190 countries and has a 144,000 strong workforce worldwide. The Group now includes Compulsion, Playground Games, Ninja Theory, InXile, Obsidian Entertainment, and Undead Labs in addition to LinkedIn and GitHub.


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