In the wake of the extended lockdown period due to the pandemic situation, the state-run telecom operator, Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL), has decided to help those working from home, by allowing BSNL users to access the internet and online services, which were introduced just last month. The plan was initially valid till April 19, for all its BSNL landline subscribers, in order to promote social distancing and encourage subscribers to work from home. However, now it has extended the plan for another month, that is, till May 19.
The plan offers up to 10 Mbps down speed and the data limit is capped at 5GB per day. Also, once the day’s plan gets exhausted, then the data speed will be downgraded to 1 Mbps. There is no need to pay any monthly charges or security deposits. There will, however, not be any changes to the existing voice calling subscription and call charges will be applicable as per the landline plan.
The extension of the plan also allows its users free e-mail access with 1 GB of free storage and the proximity of this telecom provider’s plan is valid across all circles, including the Andaman and Nicobar circle.
BSNL announced this new decision through BSNL Tamil Nadu’s official Twitter handle.
The landline subscribers of BSNL can also avail broadband plans by dialling the toll-free number, 1800-345-150, if they aren’t happy with their existing plan or if they wish to upgrade their plan.