“The supposedly impossible became possible in 2020,” Rajeev Singh

Rajeev Singh CHRO, ATC Tires, shares why it is important to continue with the agile way of business operations - a thing which got accelerated in 2020.


2020: What to learn – what to erase

People across all levels have become more receptive to disruptive changes; what was supposedly ‘not-possible’ has now become ‘yes, indeed possible’.

HR has shown great agility and business acumen

Human resources always plays the role of business partner and employees’ champion. The two are interdependent. In these COVID times, the two roles were fully reinforced, and recognised at their best.

2021 – changing organisational design

Leverage the efficiency and optimisation steps taken in 2020 and build a more agile process, system and talent pool for organisational and business sustainability.

Build a more agile process, system and talent pool for organisational and business sustainability

Identifying right skill gaps or reskilling

All skill building initiative will remain but the focus will be on assessing and building leadership traits, such as agility, resilience, humility and compassion.

Will labour unrest shift the focus back to IR

I don’t think so. Rather, there will be a more labour-friendly approach by the corporates as COVID has taught them to take care of their people, and the people will take care of everything else.

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