Author: Abhijit Bhaduri


Bhaduri is an author, columnist and management consultant. The former chief learning officer of Wipro is also a noted speaker.

The Olympics motto is Citius, Altius, Fortius. That means faster, higher and stronger. That motto offers a great faith in human potential. Every four years, people gather together to redefine what is humanly possible. Every four years the record books engrave what is the ultimate achievement in every sport. Four years later athletes gather to break what was once defined as the outer limit of the human being. In the world of work we are once again back to the drawing board. We are once again defining the outer limits of human capability and what machines and algorithms can do.…

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Do you really need to go to a fancy B-School and spend big bucks to get an MBA? What if you reframed the problem and decided to get the education needed (without the degree and the fat fee paid to a B-school)? Here’s a person who has done just that.

Laurie Pickard, of NoPayMBA fame, completed her MBA-level education using only MOOCs —Massive Open Online Courses. She is the facilitator of the No-Pay MBA Network, a learning community dedicated to help its members get the benefits of business school, at a fraction of the cost —less than $ 1,000! She now lives in Kigali, Rwanda and has documented her studies to serve as a resource to other learners.

Abhijit Bhaduri, chief learning officer, Wipro, chats with Pickard to know more about the NoPayMBA and MOOCs. Excerpts!

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The Second Machine Age says that the future belongs to those who can keep learning and reinventing themselves. But learning what? To find the answer to this question, you need to read Humans are Underrated.

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Written by Laszlo Bock, senior VP, people operations, Google Inc, this book decodes the ‘touch and feel’ element called organisational culture.

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