The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has simplified processes to save time and effort. Subscribers/members of EPFO can now log onto the EPFO website and edit, correct or update their personal details (address, bank account no. etc.) without the need for any approval from managers. This will save a lot of time and also make the process simple.
Earlier, if members wished to correct the spelling of their name, or their marital status and tenure details at any point, they were required to put in a formal request and also submit supporting documents. Their employer was required to verify the request before forwarding it to the EPFO. Now, this process of ‘joint declaration’ has been eliminated. Now, as long as the EPFO member holds an Aadhaar-verified account, they will not need their employer’s or HR department’s intervention to correct any details. All the employee needs to have is a valid universal account number (UAN) issued post 1 October, 2017
In case the employee’s UAN number was issued earlier than October 2017, the employers can make corrections without seeking the approval of EPFO.
As part of the Labour Ministry’s efforts to enhance services offered to EPFO subscribers, the retirement fund entity is making it possible for subscribers to withdraw cash from their provident fund via ATMs. They will be given a card that will serve as a debit card and allow them to conveniently withdraw money from their fund via ATMs.