“There will be greater emphasis on employee well-being, diversity and inclusion,” Lokendra Sethi

Lokendra Sethi, VP - India HR head, DXC technology believes, "true diversity is about providing all individuals, even those outside your company walls, with equal opportunities to develop their skills."


2022 was a volatile year for HR & workforce

It is difficult to predict with utmost certainty what the future of HR will be in 2023. The future of HR depends on a variety of factors such as technological advancements, changes in the workforce, and the overall economy. However, technology will likely continue to play a larger role in HR, with the use of artificial intelligence and automation increasing in areas such as recruitment, performance evaluation, and training. Additionally, there will be a greater emphasis on employee well-being, diversity and inclusion, hybrid and remote work.

HR professionals will continue to strive to attract and retain top talent. Companies will have to be more agile and adaptable and correspond accordingly to the evolving times and while they are at it, they also need to stay current with the latest laws and regulations, such as those related to data privacy, to ensure compliance.

HR’s attention on deskless workers or in-office workers

Remote workers may require more support and resources to ensure they have the necessary tools and equipment to work effectively from home, as well as communication and collaboration tools to stay connected with the rest of the team. They may also require more support in maintaining a work life balance and preventing feelings of isolation.

True diversity is about providing all individuals, even those outside your company walls, with equal opportunities to develop their skills

On the other hand, in-office workers may require more attention in terms of creating a safe and healthy work environment and ensuring compliance with safety protocols and regulations related to the global health crisis. They may also require support and resources to adapt to new ways of working and new office protocols. Hence, HR professionals will need to be more flexible and adaptable to the needs of remote and in-office workers and develop different strategies to support both groups.

Diversity to be linked to upskilling & reskilling

As a people-first organisation, we at DXC think that promoting diversity goes beyond simply ensuring the presence of women in the workforce. Fostering diversity entails employing workers from different backgrounds, ages, cultures, demography, and economic status. True diversity is about providing all individuals, even those outside your company walls, with equal opportunities to develop their skills. Therefore, we do think that diversity is linked to upskilling and reskilling people from disadvantaged backgrounds, so they are equipped to join the competitive corporate workforce.

Through our CSR initiatives, we are continually promoting digital literacy among Indian students from rural areas, giving them the opportunity to shape their careers and move up the social scale. We also provide IT training to underrepresented groups in the society, creating prospects for employment or further education in the IT industry

33 leaders predict the upcoming trends for 2023. To find out more click here.

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