A new area is opening up for women to seek employment in — gaming. For those who think women gamers are few and far between, the latest statistics show otherwise. In India, 42 per cent of smartphone users are women, which means, a whopping 200 million! As per a TeamLEase report, not only is hiring on the rise in the gaming industry, 20 per cent of the new hires are women. They are found not just at the entry level, but also in senior positions.
In the US, women comprised 40 per cent of the total gamers in the country last year, that is, 2020. In Asia, the percentage was higher, at 40 to 50 per cent. In fact, Google and Niko Partners report that Asia accounts for 48 per cent of the total global revenue from gaming.
Women take to gaming for various reasons. Some do it to escape the rigours of daily routine, others do it to relieve stress. A good number indulge in gaming to experience a sense of achievement and feed their urge to compete. Yet others see it as a way of social engagement and maintaining relationships.
Whatever the reason may be, the fact remains that women account for almost 50 per cent of the potential audience for all games. And to cater to the needs of these women gamers, it is ideal to hire women professionals. This realisation seems to have dawned across the gaming industry.
Women are being hired as concept designers, developers, UI/UX developers, animators, audio engineers, testers, translators, interpreters and script writers among others.