Uttar Pradesh government has announced 25 per cent additional salary or honorarium for doctors and nurses on COVID duty at government hospitals across the state. Additional payments will be given to many other frontline health workers as well as sanitation workers.
The benefit was announced at a COVID review meeting in the state. It will cover paramedics, housekeeping staff, anganwadi staff as well as accredited social health activists or ASHA workers. They will receive the additional emoluments even if they have been off-duty during isolation period post their duty. The honorarium is expected to encourage and motivate these frontline warriors.
The State will be using final year medical students and nursing students to help with COVID duty. The honorarium will be paid to them too. They will be employed on a contract basis at 25 per cent higher rates than the existing national health mission (NHM) rates.
The Government is looking at using the help of retired health workers, doctors and former servicemen to tackle the emergency situation in the State. They will also be paid honorariums for which rules will soon be issued.
Meanwhile, the Uttar Pradesh government is planning to engage sportspersons or sports celebrities to create a public-awareness campaign on COVID-19. The information and sports departments have been requested to coordinate with sports personalities to spread awareness messages in the media.
The State is trying to do everything possible to boost the morale of its paramedics, doctors, health workers, cleaners / sanitation staff, frontline staff and corona warriors, and acknowledge their invaluable service during these tough times.