The Gujarat government has recently extended the benefits of the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) scheme to include travel on Vande Bharat trains for state employees. This significant decision was made by Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel in response to the growing demand from government employees to expand their travel options under the LTC scheme.
The LTC scheme allows government employees to claim reimbursement for travel expenses incurred during leave. It is a widely- utilised benefit among the approximately five lakh state employees in Gujarat. Under the scheme, employees are entitled to LTC benefits every four years, with a stipulated travel limit of 6,000 km. This benefit has traditionally been limited to certain modes of transport, but with the introduction of the Vande Bharat trains, there was a push to include this modern and efficient travel option within the scheme’s purview.
Recognising the importance of providing employees with modern travel options, the Gujarat government adopted a liberal approach to the matter. The state’s decision to incorporate Vande Bharat trains into the LTC scheme for the 2020-2023 block reflects the government’s commitment to addressing employee needs and enhancing their travel experience.
The state government’s finance department is set to issue a formal government resolution to officially implement this decision. Once the resolution is in place, employees will be able to claim reimbursement for travel on Vande Bharat trains, making the LTC scheme more convenient and flexible.
This move is expected to be well-received by state employees, as it not only caters to their demands but also aligns with the government’s efforts to modernise and improve public services. By allowing employees to travel on Vande Bharat trains under the LTC scheme, the Gujarat government is taking a step forward in ensuring that state employees have access to the best available travel options during their leave.