Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTECH), posted a placement rate of 97.07 per cent for the 2022-24 batch even amidst a slow job market, with 464 students bagging international and domestic offers. The highest package offered (international) was Rs 24.43 lakh per annum, while the average package was Rs 11.10 lakh per annum.
The placement drive was carried out for its four two-year full-time programmes. While the highest CTC for PGDM was Rs 22 lakh per annum, for PGDM-international business it was Rs 22.00 lakh per annum. The highest CTC for PGDM-retail Management was Rs 24.43 lakh per annum, while it was Rs 14 lakh per annum for PGDM-insurance business management.
Mover than 145 companies participated in the placement drive, which according to Prabina Rajib, director, BIMTECH, was “a testament to the dedication of our faculty, our academic programmes, and the sturdy corporate relations built.”
“There is a rise in the demand for tech-friendly and digitally-oriented C-suits capable of making strides in the technological interventions happening around us. Hence, our institution has delivered talent which is capable of navigating through these ever-changing tides and excelling in their chosen fields,” said Rajib.
Amongst the participating companies, there were big names such as Landmark Group, Blackrock, EY India, Deloitte, Wipro, KPMG, Infosys, Make My Trip, and SBI General Insurance.
Students were selected for various roles including that of senior analysts, business analysts, area managers, consultants, management trainees, digital demand analyst, research associate, associate solution advisor, deputy manager, and business development manager, among others.