In an age when people are obsessed with their image and appearance, it is easier to find faults with our body than to appreciate it. Reams and reams have been dedicated to the benefits of eating right and exercising regularly, to improve our health and looks, and our life in general. There are also consultants who promise to give us an image makeover and gurus who assure they can cleanse our soul and lead us on the path to transformation and peace. Yet, people struggle and remain unfulfilled. Why? Simply because they have failed to realise that the key to achieving all they want lies in ‘self-love’.
Sharad Verma’s book 21 Days Program for Self Love will tell you that the first step to achieving whatever you want is to love yourself. Does that sound vague? Do you need more clarity? Don’t worry, because this book talks to you in the simplest language and with utmost clarity.
Remember the notes we made as students to help prepare for exams? The lists we wrote of all the important points of each chapter that assisted in last-minute revision? Well, this book is a compilation of such small lists of questions, actions and suggestions. Simply put, Verma breaks down the whole process of self-love into unbelievably convenient steps.
What’s more, each point he puts across is founded on the principles of neuroscience. We have learnt from many sources that it is not just important to value ourselves, but absolutely necessary to do so. But how do we even begin to do it? Verma’s book tells us exactly how.
Packed with actionable takeaways, questions for self-reflection, and practices that allow us to introspect, count our blessings and offer gratitude, this programme is an eye-opener.
Given the fact that the author belongs to the HR fraternity and is familiar with the nuances of human nature, there are more reasons than one for the HR to recommend it as a good read for their employees, irrespective of the nature of organisation or business. Remember, happy employees are more loyal, engaged, healthy and productive. And how does the journey to happiness start? With self-love, of course! Those who did not know this till now will realise this once they embark on this three-week journey in pursuit of self-love, with Sharad Verma.