Browsing: Expert’s Desk

Abhijit Bhaduri, chief learning officer, Wipro, in a conversation with George Anders, popular American business journalist and author of four books, on why a qualification in liberal arts is gaining importance in the corporate world, especially in IT companies.

Many IR managers feel that these manipulations are necessary to manage people in varied situations, with varying needs, egos and greed. But it is absurd to believe that such manipulations and negativity can yield positive results.

The prime vested interest of company executives is to rule at will – egocentrism. However, the vested interest of the union leaders is to satisfy their social and self-esteem needs. These are the raw motives, to overcome which and to develop behavioural compatibility between both the agencies, two measures need to be established—a defined transactional system, and constant interpersonal communication. 

Digitisation has emerged as a key disruptor and game-changer, with enterprises leveraging the integration of big data, cloud computing and mobile, and smart technology becoming a key business priority. 

Mobile services have been around in India for 20 years. What they have done to the country is nothing less than transformational. The network effect on India’s social and economic fabric is immeasurable. Its impact on personal living styles and family relationships is intense. And there is more to come! The future is going to be very different. For employees in this sector, it will all be about ‘jobs never done before. Here is a parallel drawn between telecom and startups.