Finally, there is good news for the employees of the 12 Delhi University colleges fully funded by the Delhi government. Funds to the tune of Rs 28.24 crore have been released to pay the salaries of the staff, while the court decides the future course of action.
However, going forward funds will only be released as per court’s instructions regarding whether the funds available presently under various heads can be used to pay salaries or not.
In future, these colleges have been called upon to follow the Pattern of Assistance (POA) of the Delhi government. That is, they must be transparent in all their dealings and keep the Delhi government of all their actions, which includes maintaining and sharing a record of all appointments of all teaching staff. These colleges will also have to seek permission from the Delhi government in advance before they appoint staff, because after all, it is the Delhi government that is paying their salaries and taking care of the expenses of Delhi University.
At a meeting presided by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal — and which was attended by Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, as well as officials of the Delhi government, including secretary and principal secretary for Department of Higher Education, college principals, and account officers of the 12 colleges — it was highlighted that it is not fair or practical to seek funds from one agency and follow the POA of another. It was made clear that Delhi University will have to be completely transparent with the Delhi government in matters regarding its accounts and budgets. Only then can the latter support and help the former; and only then will the communication gap be eliminated between the two.