The Government of Odisha has revised the minimum daily wages of unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and highly skilled workers to Rs 326, Rs 366, Rs 416 and Rs 476, respectively. That is, an increase of Rs 11.
Earlier, the minimum daily wages for unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and highly skilled workers was Rs 315, Rs 335, Rs 405 and Rs 465, respectively.
The increment has been achieved by increasing the variable dearness allowance.
This hike will be with effect from 1 April.
A notification has also been issued announcing that core sanitation workers of the State will be brought under the ambit of Employees State Insurance (ESI) benefits.
A notification was issued by the Housing and Urban Development department to this effect recently.
Core sanitation workers involved in all kinds of hazardous work in Odisha will be covered by the Employee’s Compensation Act and Employees State Insurance (ESI) Act under the ‘Garima scheme’.
Henceforth, all grade-I and grade-II core sanitation workers will be eligible for disablement and sickness compensation benefits offered as per the Employee’s Compensation Act, 1923 and the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948. Under these two Acts, such workers will be able to avail benefits in case they suffer permanent or temporary disability or fall sick due to the hazards they face at work.