As HR Head, Grey India, Shilpa Chitre to report to group CMD Sunil Lulla…
Shilpa Chitre has joined the full-service advertising agency, Grey India as HR Head. In her new role, Chitre’s mandate will be to hire more talented professionals who can help the agency live up to its tag line of ‘Famous and Effective’.
Chitre has over 18 years of experience in the HR domain. Primarily, she has worked with advertising agencies, such as Everest Brand Solutions, PerceptH, Leo Burnett India and Rediffusion-DY&R. However, in between she also managed the HR function at companies, such as Reliance Industries Limited (RIL), where she was Vice-President, HR, and KPIT Cummins Infosytems Limited.
Shilpa is armed with a Master’s degree in labour studies, organisational behaviour, HR and psychology at work from the University of Mumbai.
Chitre is quite enthused getting back to the communication line of business. She says, “With all the growth ahead at Grey, I will leverage all my experiences, to help create an agency with a huge, competitive difference via talent, skilling, processes, leadership and enormous passion.”