Browsing: Corporate Katha

Understand that you have over 20 years of work experience. But your resume requires brevity; not a sonata of your…

It’s not the hang-over from last night. It’s the amount of work that’s piled up on the first day of…

In light of the dismal retention rate clocked by the on-boarding team, boss has decided to re-name the function as…

As part of our CEO’s Shadow Board, he is ensuring he follows even the Boss’s shadow.

Boss is personally spearheading the health-check to find out if employees are overweight. Those on the heavier side will be…

Now that the Boss has placed his hand over his shoulders, the man will now move from an ‘Needs Improvement’…

This is an exit interview. Go ahead, pour your heart out on anything that you think is amiss; except on…

Enjoy the gourmet spread by the organisation till it lasts. Very soon the company will introduce BYOF (Bring Your Own Food)!!!

Since the Bell curve isn’t giving us the talent pool for maximum payout, I have a new formula. Let’s do…

Liberalisation has changed many things, but one thing still remains the same. From the long winding queues in ration shops,…

The fluctuation of Sensex reminds me of my mid-level career right now. There is resistance from the top, that’s the…

Here’s last year’s project report. And a few more reports from previous years. Liberally use the numbers, references and words.…

I am looking at someone who only thinks work during office hours. So can we talk about the opportunity?

We had a pact that we will take turns to ‘fall ill’ to avail of leave. Looks like both of…

Flooded roads, vehicle floating, city under water. Car-Pool surely has a new meaning today

One incentive that the company offers when I meet targets is front row seat in the aircraft with leg room…

“More than the qualifications on your resume, I am interested to know if you have qualities like ‘be the eyes…

This is an internal war for talent. Both teams want him, because he is a low-cost, but highly productive resource.

After years of meditation to understand work-life balance, the realization that’s dawned on our boss is, ‘Work is Worship’.