Lupin Pharmaceuticals, Mumbai has recently appointed Preeti Bose as global head talent management and leadership development.
Before that, Bose was working in Cipla, another pharmaceutical company, for their global leadership academy.
In Cipla, she was responsible for creating leadership pipelines for senior and mid-level managers, along with designing and delivering programs for transformational business needs and behavioural skills in line with Cipla Leadership Essentials.
HRKatha spoke to Bose about her prospects in the new organisation, she says, “the overarching mandate is to build a world class talent management and leadership development strategy to meet the short-term as well as long term business priorities.”
Having started on May 15th, 2109 she is developing a deeper understanding of the business and people before she gets the ball rolling to put action into place.
She started her career in 1997, for three years she worked in the education sector training young adults in interactive and communicative English skill development.
After that for five years or so she worked in the field of content development and content solutions. Her entry to human resource happened in 2005 when she joined Lionbridge as senior HR manager.
Following that, she had a stint in FMCG, working in Wrigley and Mondelez International for two years and five years respectively.
She has a master’s degree in English from Lady Shri Ram College for Women.