Come 2025 and the seasonal working visa programme in Norway will see updation. Norway intends to issue about 6000 residence permits to foreign workers. A good number of seasonal work visas are also likely to be issued by the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion.
The Norwegian government has made it mandatory for applicants to have a job offer in Norway in hand to be able to start applying for the visa. The application for working visa has to be submitted through a local embassy or via the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (DUI). A biometrics appointment will follow, and therefore, it is advisable for applicants to factor in the processing time and delays in the same while applying. In other words, applicants should apply as soon as they get a job offer.
The new rules/changes will be applicable to all future applicants.
The new seasonal working visa programme will be available only to certain categories of workers—tree planters, crop harvesters, logging operators, tourism workers, construction workers—and that too if they have a job offer from a Norwegian firm and spend at least six months outside Norway. The applicants also need to provide proof of their residency in Norway.
They should have enough funds (and be able to present proof of the same) along with health insurance cover to be able to get a visa.