Rajesh Jain, who was earlier CHRO, Welspun Enterprises, has now been appointed as CHRO, Welspun Living. He will be reporting to Dipali Goenka, MD and CEO, Welspun Living.
An alumnus of ICFAI and Indian School of Business, Jain has over two decades of experience backing him.
He started off as national service planning manager for Eaton Corporation, in 2000. Over a year and a half later, he moved to Xerox as quality specialist, technical trainer and service engineer. More than five years into this role, he was elevated to service manager-regional service operations manager. His tenure at Xerox lasted over 11 years.
In 2002, he was back at Eaton as head HR and business excellence. For the next five years, he looked after talent acquisition, performance management (PMS), HRMS (Oracle), HRIS, MIS, people policies, talent development (L&D), compensation, benefits and rewards, quality and business excellence (Malcolm Baldridge).
Jain’s next stop was Suzlon Energy, where he joined as deputy general manager, corporate strategy and planning, in 2008. Two years later, he was promoted to the position of general manager, corporate HR and head-compensation and benefits. After over four years with Suzlon, Jain moved to Srei. From 2012 to 2019, he was head-HR, Srei Infrastructure Finance. By the time he left the SreiGroup, he was heading HR for Srei Equipment Finance too.
Known to be a great human being and leader, with a calm demeanour, Jain will now be responsible for the entire HR function at Welspun Living, putting to good use his core competencies, including that of strategic HR business partnering, talent acquisition, executive coaching and change management.
HRKatha congratulates Rajesh Jain and wishes him all the best in his new assignment.