Taking a whole of government approach to skills development

The report by the ILO and UNESCO Education Sector asks the highly pertinent question, “Does the adoption of inter-ministerial coordination mechanisms assist in the achievement of TVET and skills development policy objectives?”


In a rush to mass skill populations to avert crises of unemployment, governments often find themselves scrambling to put too many wheels into action with little coordination. When things start to fall off the bandwagon the very purpose of skilling programmes suffers from the incoherence in TVET systems.A heavily skewed focus on implementation of TVET policies and schemes often sees measuring of outcomes, effectiveness of training, monitoring and evaluation fall off the grid. Ergo, we find this report eminently relevant as it goes beyond the usual narratives and asks how inter- ministerial coordination affects­ policy outcomes? We feel this is extremely germane to the Indian context as we find ourselves at the crossroads of high youth unemployment, low employability and not enough good jobs and; much of it owing to lack of industry relevant skills…Read more

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